
Dear Valued Customers,

We are excited to announce that our company, Packingnet Co., Ltd, has changed its name to UMPACKT for overseas marketing. Since 1989, Packingnet has been a leading force in the packaging industry in Taiwan, and we are proud to have served so many customers over the years. As we expand into new markets and offer new services, we wanted a name that better reflects our global vision.

This year, we are taking a big step forward by opening our first branch company in Vietnam. We believe that this move will help us better serve our customers in the region and provide more opportunities for growth and innovation.

As we transition to our new name, we want to assure you that our commitment to quality, reliability, and innovation remains unchanged. We will continue to provide the same exceptional service and products that you have come to expect from us.

Thank you for your trust in our company, and for being a part of our journey! We look forward to continuing to work with you under our new name, UMPACKT.


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